Posted by: Samantha | April 13, 2010

IU’s Greek System should be horrifically ASHAMED.

When I first started at IU I thought the greek system was kind of dumb, personally. I never judged anyone, at all, for rushing. Do what you want to do, that’s your business. It just didn’t seem like it would work for me. For those who it does work for, great. Good for you.
Unfortunately, I briefly dated someone when I was just a wee college baby who was in the greek system and that’s where my involvement stopped. I read things in the paper about stuff different frats and sororities were doing, but that’s where it ended. It’s been years since I”ve had a meaningful relationship with someone who was involved in the greek system. AND NOW I REMEMBER WHY – BECAUSE THEY’RE ASSHOLES! (Keep in mind this is not true for my friend Marissa and my cousin Jordan, as I am sure it’s not true for many people who ARE in the greek system and rock, people I just haven’t met.)
So IU’s greeks have a newspaper/blog/magazine, whatever it is it’s called The Odyssey. I just spent the last hour reading it and I am truly appalled. My short encounters with the greek system have always sort of led me to think they’re assholes but this just confirms it and straight up angers me. I’m not even bothered, I am passionately enraged by what these people have said in it.

The first article to get my attention was actually forwarded by my good friend Marissa, who is incidently also the one friend I have involved in a sorority. It is an article, PRINTED AND PUBLISHED, detailing the “ranks of a girl”, i.e. 1-10. 1 being “extreme obesity, a face that looks like it was hit with a frying pan, or a missing limb” and 10 being the “Holy Mecca of girls” . But don’t forget, “They can have the personality of a cardboard box, but what gives.”
I won’t nauseate you with the classifications for the other numbers, but please if you must read it (and I actually suggest that you do), you can read it here, and make sure you have a barf bag close.
What this moron is saying is that a woman’s personality is meaningless and they are judged solely – by men — based on their appearance and nothing else. It doesn’t matter if a girl is smart, or funny, or caring, no. None of that is worth a damn, and neither is she as a human being,  if she’s not hot by their standards, which are ridiculous to begin with.
I truly cannot fathom how people can think like this, and then tell the public they think like this, and then be proud of themselves. Think that they’re funny. Umm, last time I checked, which wasn’t too long ago, misogyny was extremely unfunny and I am not only ashamed for IU’s greek system, but I am ashamed for IU as an entire university, and for all people my age, and even humanity. This dude makes me ashamed of our entire race. That’s how mad I am. I am ashamed to be in the same species as this loser, if that gives you any indication whatsoever of how truly mad I am over this.

And I am sorry to say, it doesn’t stop there. The articles I read were demeaning and making fun of women, from subjects ranging from their appearances (obviously) to an alleged text etiquette to getting drunk at bars, and it just goes on and on and on. Finally, I just couldn’t stand it anymore. I can’t believe how women were being treated and talked about by this guy, and I know there are many guys out there who think and act the same way (Tucker Max, anyone?). The worst thing is that it’s glorified. Many women in the greek system read this! Why are they not outraged??!
You’re telling me this guy thought up the most misogynistic, hateful bullshit he could, printed in a paper he knew women read, glorified it, and people thought it was funny??!!!
I can’t even finish this blog, I am speechless.


  1. Most women just blow that bs off because they know the instigator is an idiot.

  2. That really pisses me off. I’m speechless. What assholes.

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